05 February, 2006

Happy weekend...

I got my hair cut Friday. I like it but it's a bit extreme. But then again I'm in a rebellious, adolescent kind of mood lately.

I asked M yesterday what he thought of it and he was hedging so I said "Come on, spit it out" and he said that it was a "bit short and not completely feminine".

and then he mentioned a rumor that one of his colleagues is lesbian.

When I asked: "what does this have to do with my haircut?!" he started laughing-- it was apparently a new topic, but I have to admit his timing was uncanny. Maybe some subliminal association going on there!?

He's right, it's not your standard girlie haircut. But I'm tired of looking like a dumpy housewife. And I think that severe haircuts can look great on women because if they're wearing makeup and are otherwise dressed attractively it you notice their features more.

There's a woman in town who has a black crew cut and yet she's extremely attractive because you really notice her eyes in a way you wouldn't if she just had your standard "do". She's manages to be chic and elegant in a way that no one else can seem to pull off!

Figure I'll keep my hair like this until I get bored of it-- at least it's a change from status quo...

Am having a fun weekend. It's great to have M back home and we're just farting around not doing much. Yesterday CH came over and we rented "The Motorcycle Diaries", an Argentinian film about Che Guevara's coming of age. The cinematography was great and I really enjoyed it.

We also held some high-stakes scooter / bicycle races this morning out on the street in front of our house. Too bad we weren't betting money because I was in good form and was feeling lucky...

As you can see we were pretty punchy by the end.

M is grinning like a lunatic here because the dog knocked me over right as I was squatting down to compose this picture of him speeding past...

1 comment:

africakidandtheworld said...

Good for you, you brave, brave woman! (talking about the haircut).