26 September, 2006

Can anyone help me with custacean removal?

I seem to have developed a barnacle. Or actually, barnacles would be a preferable alternative-- at least they're silent. This one talks non-stop.

The lost boy from last week has attached himself to me and has even started accompanying us home after school. S and B are enjoying the novelty of his company, but he ran roughshod through our house all yesterday afternoon and provided me with yet another Better-Than-Berlitz™ crash course in German:

DO NOT put the cat in the tub!
NO, you may NOT give the dog any chocolate!
Don't you DARE fall down onto the street again and fake a head injury!

In short, he's charming...

He wants S and B to come over and play at his house this afternoon but I'm hedging. Am trying to think of some sort of humane way to get rid of him. If that doesn't work I might have to resort to a long-handled scraper and some sandpaper...

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