14 May, 2006

Happy Mother's Day!

Was awakened this morning to the smell of coffee, the rustle of tissue paper and the frenetic movements of boys who are so excited about their gifts that they are about to split out of their skin and fly around the room!

B presented me proudly with a pair of potholders-- they were decorated with little thumbprints and the imprint of a hand and a foot stamped in vivid orange paint. Took one look at it and started giggling-- the teacher had obviously mixed B's up with one of the older children in the class because the footprint was HUGE!

It took me about a half-hour to realize that that really was his footprint and that his feet have grown about two sizes since last week! Remind me to check his shoes because I'm starting to wonder if we're subjecting him to Chinese foot-binding practices every morning. No wonder he prefers to wear sandals!

S also had a couple of nice presents for me-- the best thing, though, was a little paper flower with the petals folded inward. And it says "Mama, I love you because you're" and there were five adjectives he'd picked out, one for each petal:


That just made my whole morning! Not only because S was so earnest and adoreable, but also out of relief that he had not surprised me with "freakish" or "naked" or something like that...

1 comment:

africakidandtheworld said...

Re: "the frenetic movements of boys who are so excited about their gifts that they are about to split out of their skin and fly around the room" -- love that sentence! I can just see the two of them, bursting at the seams and barely able to keep from ripping the paper off your gift for you...cute.