25 May, 2006

15 minutes of fame

S's football team had an end-of-season barbecue last friday. And the main event was a match between the boys and the mothers, which was a lot of fun.

And someone must have connections with the press because we actually made it into the sports section of Het Laatste Nieuws, which touts itself as the biggest newspaper in Belgium!


S is so proud-- you should have seen the look on his face when he saw it!


Unknown said...

Great! Did I read it correctly, you scored a goal?! Couldn't make out the end of the story, though, because of the camera date stamp. But I guess its says something like 'there'll be another match next year'.

africakidandtheworld said...

Hey, congrats on the goal! What fun. And nice for your two boys to see that moms can still play soccer.