10 May, 2006

Earth to Betsy...

Have been so preoccupied lately-- I've got a thousand things going on in my head and there's just not enough space for all of it in there.

Today I was about halfway through grocery shopping when I caught myself daydreaming and admiring the shape of the leaves on the carrots in my cart. When all of a sudden it dawned on me:

Carrots weren't on my list this week and shouldn't be in my cart in the first place!

Further inspection revealed other foreign items; three cucumbers and two trays of watercress nestled in along with my tofu and sweet potatoes. WTF???!!!

Turns out I'd been so caught up in my own little world that I'd hijacked some poor lady's cart and left her with my Bonita bananas! And had gone on shopping for at least another 20 minutes without noticing a thing!

I sped back to the vegetable aisle and saw her circling the produce looking for the sinister fiend who had foiled her shopping experience. When she saw how embarrassed I was she started laughing- no harm done. And she laughingly told me that I was lucky because I'd paid a larger deposit on my cart than she had so she'd just missed making a profit...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ha ha ha! That's so funny! It can't have been as long as you thought, though, she probably wasn't walking round the vegetable section for a full 20 minutes calling out the name of her missing cart...

Take it easy :)