05 January, 2006

Surprise pitstop in NY

Sooooo frigging tired. B has picked up some sort of virus-- he's been coughing and was feverish for a couple of days. He's acting pretty normally, though, so I didn't take it very seriously.

But then, halfway between Toronto and Dover NJ he suddenly became very pale and clammy. We stopped at a rest stop for lunch and he started shaking uncontrollably and his fingernails and lips turned purple. Scared the shit out of me!

So we got ahold of a doctor's office, but they told me to take him to the emergency room. Where he had chest x rays, urinalysis, bird flu swab, etc. The doctor was great, though, and made the experience as positive as a trip to the emergency room can be.

In the end he's got a virus, which they can't do anything about, and he was a bit dehydrated from sweating out his fever. One pediatric popsicle and three hours later we were sent on our merry way.

Today he seems better but M and I are completely dragging. We've been worried about him so we've had him in bed with us for the last two nights, and he's coughed all night long. So we're running on no more than 1 hour's sleep at a time, and then it's not good sleep because he tosses and turns and sweats and kicks you. zzzzzzzzzz...

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