24 January, 2006

Am thinking of just retreating from society...

Someone I just met recently called to see if I could pass on the name of a good babysitter. And she started with: "I need to ask you something". To which I replied: "My favorite color is orange". And she didn't laugh.

She recovered pretty quickly but I felt really stupid-- sometimes I forget that not everyone appreciates my odd sense of humor.

I was out walking D this afternoon when she suddenly bounded forward and snatched something enthusiastically up off of the sidewalk. Was completely horrified when I got to her and realized that it was a pair of underwear!

Perhaps it was flotsam from the upperware party last weekend-- made me shudder in any case. Thank god it was just underwear and not another party favor-- that might have been more difficult to pry from her jaws...


Anonymous said...

I don’t think I would want to be friends with someone who didn’t laugh at that joke.

Betsy said...

See, I thought it was funny too! But then again, I think you're hilarious but have a feeling that you've been in the same situation on more than one occasion. Am I right?

Anonymous said...

Every time I open my mouth.