30 January, 2006

Field trip to the art gallery

We took a little trip down to Mons yesterday. One of M's colleagues has now stepped halfway out of the closet and his "dear friend" was showing a bunch of paintings at his first Belgian exhibition.

It was nice to be able to expose the kids to some culture and to show our support for M's colleague who looked like he might have been more nervous than the artist himself!

So the paintings were attractive, but I was really struck by the, well... OK, vaginal quality of all of them. Which was especially ironic in light of the weight of the whole social aspect of the situation.

I was relieved when M confirmed my opinion-- it's a running joke between us that my women's studies track at UF has warped my outlook on art and literature. Which has spiced up more than one visit to the museum and is a source of endless eyerolling on M's part...

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