20 March, 2006

Update from Ms. Hyde

My mood hasn't improved. And, in fact, it didn't exactly ratchet up a notch on the happy-meter when I asked B to put his shoes away and he responded with a "What are you, stupid? I'm busy right now." (!!!???)

There are still scorch marks on the wall from where my head exploded...

1 comment:

Brit Kim said...

Don't you just luuuuuv kids :) have mercy - count to 1000 backwards - do pushups and most of all - breathe!!! however, you just answered one of history's most frequently asked questions - i now know that Loch Nessy has kids and lots of them - that's why she comes up for air - though she knows the hazzard of exposing her secret life in the lake..but better that - than the wall paper in the entrance hall ...