11 January, 2007

Yet another slice of humble pie

Learning a language is the perfect antidote for an inflated ego. Because, really, how often under normal circumstances does one get a chance to make a complete buffoon of oneself?

OK, so some of us seem to have more of a knack for stupidity than others, but studying a language is kind of like carrying your groceries around in a wet paper bag. Your luck might hold out for a while, but it only takes one swipe from a badly conujugated verb and the bottom falls out, spilling your shit all over your shoes!

After many years and many languages you would think I would be more conscious of this, but I guess I'll never learn. I'll have a couple of good days and will start thinking I'm Miss German Student America. And then inevitably I'll make a mistake that sends me spiralling in a tailspin back down to earth. I guess it's one of nature's many checks and balances.

S had a friend over to play on Tuesday, and when the father came to pick him up he stayed a while to chat. I asked how their holiday had been-- he said that he'd had to work a lot, but that it was starting to slow down, and as of next week he will have four days off every week.

So I said brightly: "Wow, that's great! Are you looking forward to your upcoming vacation and some free time?"

And he blinked and stared at me and switched over to English and said: "Um, no, not actually. Like I just said, I've been fired and now have to look for another job."


Pffffffffffttttttttttttttttt! That was the sound of my ego deflating down to a wrinkled, soggy heap on the floor...


Goofball said...

Oops....yes I'd be with red cheeks too I suppose. But as you said, it is part of learning a language and if we are too afraid to make mistakes, we'll never learn the language in fact. You just need to venture out in the adventure :).

I like your wet back analogy by the way.

Goofball said...

wet bag....correction. (yes I am still learning correct English)

swissmiss said...

oh, that's a particularly awkward one. Ouch!