06 January, 2007

Happy Three Kings' Day!

Only just now realized that it's a holiday today when I failed in my attempts to do grocery shopping and hit the bakery. Everything is closed!?

We cleaned up the Christmas tree today, which, coincidentally, is a Three Kings' tradition. (The only other custom I can think of is to get sloppy drunk and canvas the neighbors' houses for spare change while singing Drie Koningen songs. I haven't completely ruled that one out yet either.)

Pulled out the box to pack away our nativity scene and an errant plastic sheep fell out and clattered to the floor. Without missing a beat S quipped: "These shepherds weren't doing a very good job, were they?" That kid cracks me up!

The weather is moody and I'm feeling thoughtful. Stumbled across this video and it really spoke to me...


swissmiss said...

Did you have a Dreikonigskuchen?

Only three of Switzerland's 26 Kantons make today a public holiday, and we don't live in one of them, so we were able to shop.

africakidandtheworld said...

My sign would read " Live joyfully."

Anonymous said...

Mine would say: Simplify your life