22 November, 2006

Unruly Pilgrims and small beer

Spent yesterday aftenoon at our English language playgroup coercing encouraging a group of unwilling 5 year olds to create Pilgrim costumes out of paper bags.

B was done with his in about three minutes. Apparently he was paying homage to the Pilgrims' asceticism because he had no intention of decorating his "costume" at all. He spent most of the session distracting other children by reinacting the Pilgrim's more seasick moments.

I'm sure we've made ourselves reeeeeeaaaaaallllly popular there.

Raced home, made dinner and then had to attend an Elternstammtisch at a local sports bar. I'm on the parents' committee for the Kindergarten and this was a small get-together so that the parents could get to know each other.

Got there and everyone was sitting around quietly drinking tea. ??? I was dead tired and feeling anything but social, so I bucked the trend by ordering a beer-- the waitress nodded and asked "Eines halbes?" and I thought: "GREAT! A half beer! I can knock that back without being conspicuous or looking like a beer-swilling pirate."

She brought it to me and I was shocked- it was HUGE! Because of course what I'd ordered was a HALF-LITER of beer! (Which I ended up thoroughly enjoying anyway and managed to make it through the rest of the evening without biting anyone, so all's well that ends well...)


christina said...


Happy Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

Either two things have happened. One, you earned the respect of every person in the place. Germans love the beer. Heck, *I* love the beer.

Or two, you've earned the reputation of being the school alcoholic. *lol* :D

Wish there would've been a camera on your face when the waitress brought it.

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving! You know you could start a new tradition - Novemberfest!!! The celebration of having survived the attack of the loving Labrador, the mania of moving, the language lessons, and on the serious side, your brilliant blog !!!! And if you need a laugh, check the newest comment against your Nov.18 entry on the loving Lab attack ...
"Seneca" :p

Goofball said...

is this a good moment to bring up I work for Alken-Maes breweries and make some publicity ;)?