So here's mine. Apologies in advance. Feel free to close the window whenever you realize you've got better things to do. (like scrub the tub or shave the cat...)
- The first “100 things” list I read was posted by a friend who died in October
- The rest I’ve seen are from people who are still alive
- I am a dog person.
- I had to go through four cats before I figured this out
- I’d like to have a virtual kid so that I could name her after my dad (and kill two birds with one stone. :-))
- I have fulfilled my quota for real children
- Even after 12+ years I still think my husband is the best thing since sliced bread!
- I am my own paradox: I can read books on Buddhism and listen to gangsta rap within the same 24 hour period
- Some days I think this is a sign of open-mindedness
- Some days I’m convinced this is a sign of a mental disorder
- I am fanatic about nutrition—haven’t bought anything in 10 years without reading the label
- I eat peanut butter at least twice a day
- There’s nothing sweeter in life than a sleepy kid who smells like lavender
- I have read (and enjoyed) most of the books on the Brooker prize list
- I was raised in Florida and have made 4 major moves since graduating college
- Might have to make another one in the next couple of months
- I definitely do not miss living in Florida
- The Royal Tenenbaums is my favorite movie
- I am grateful to whoever decided that dark chocolate and red wine are healthy and should be enjoyed often
- I love warm, sunny days
- I love camping—especially in our camper
- I love to go running
- I am the slowest runner on earth
- I hate worthless shows like MTV’s Trailer Fabulous
- I can’t help but watch worthless shows like Trailer Fabulous
- That said, I probably watch less than 10 hours of TV a week
- But I spend waaaaaay too much time on the internet
- I’m trying to be better about buying organic food
- I get suckered into spending too much money in health food stores
- I want to be doing yoga at 93 like my great Aunt Irene
- I wish I was a better photographer
- I wish I could finally (magically) become proficient in French!
- I am a bleeding heart liberal Democrat
- My brother is a hard-core Republican
- He’s still one of my favorite people on the planet
- I can’t stand uncomfortable shoes—I change my shoes every day before I leave work to walk to the train station
- I have a hard time dealing with conflict, even other people’s
- I am left-handed
- I can type almost as fast as I can think
- Which is amazing since I cheated my way through typing in 10th grade
- I met my best friend in 10th grade—caught her eye by tripping and falling over in front of her.
- Have I mentioned yet that I’m not exactly light on my feet? Probably should have started this list with that one…
- I don’t understand how Matthew McConaghy won “sexiest man alive” this year! (Can someone please explain this to me!?)
- I subscribe to Newsweek and Nutrition Action Newsletter
- Halloween is my favorite holiday
- One of my grandmas came from Transylvania… (and I am Count Dracula!)
- I love the smell of freshly mown grass
- I am not a city person— I need to see a whole lotta green every day
- Bread: as dark as possible
- Coffee: as light as possible
- Milk: as much as possible
- Cheese: as stinky / sharp as possible
- I have three bare lightbulbs hanging from my ceilings because I’m indecisive and overwhelmed in lamp stores
- Daily goal #1: I try my best to be a good person
- Daily goal #2: I am trying to learn to be more patient
- I stopped drinking soda when I graduated college
- I am now 15 – 20 pounds lighter than when I was in college
- I try to alternate between books in English and in Dutch
- Pig Latin was my first “foreign” language ;-)
- I am not a gadget person
- The one exception is my iPod mini which I looooove
- I do not have a green thumb but wish I did
- My next house will definitely not be one with “character”
- My cousin is married to my brother-in-law
- I use my kids as an excuse to read Dr. Seuss books over and over again
- I am addicted to blogs and blogging
- Favorite artist lately: Abigail Washburn—she plays the banjo and sings in Chinese!
- According to Meyers Briggs I am an introverted extrovert
- I am an NPR addict and consider streaming media to be a gift from the gods
- I left the US in December 1992
- And went back temporarily to live in Michigan from 2001 - 2004
- I really enjoy living overseas and do not plan to move back to the States
- I actually feel more American when I’m over here than I do when I’m back in the States
- I have trouble staying awake past 10pm
- I’ve recently finished an online web design degree with Baker College
- I often had to stay awake past 10 to do it! :-)
- I am a cautious optimist
- My star sign is Gemini
- I think astrology is ridiculous
- Have I mentioned that I love to read? (real books. eBooks will never replace real ones because you can’t smell them!)
- The two places that top my wish list to visit are Thailand and Australia
- My ideal job would be as a part-time webmaster for a heart foundation or other health-related organization
- My cat just threw up on the carpet while I was typing this
- At UF I wrote a 50 page thesis on “A Socio-political Definition of Women’s Status in Russian Society and Its Reflection in Literature”
- Based on the title I probably would put it back on the shelf and ignore it if I ran across it in the library
- I love the library—have great memories of doing activities there as a kid
- I am utterly amazed that you’ve made it this far!
- I love clementines. I could eat a half kilo of them at one sitting
- I don’t like marzipan but I try it again every year because they can make it look so pretty!
- I love to go hiking out in the woods or the fields near our house
- I have had 5 (paying) jobs since college
- Dixieland jazz makes me evil
- I actually enjoy working with HTML
- I got my certification for Microsoft Office User Specialist for Word and Excel
- This is completely nerdy, but I needed a backup in case I couldn’t find a job when we moved back here
- I’m glad I found a job, because I think I would hate having to teach Word or Excel to people
- Like I said, I should probably work on patience.
- I am trying to morph into a soccer mom but am having a hard time with it
- I love my PT Cruiser (little bit of product placement / marketing for Chrysler in there)
- I am so glad to be finished with this!