24 October, 2005

Hiking is the best medicine!

Yesterday we enjoyed our favorite family activity: shattering the tranquility in the woods near our house. There's something so theraputic about a good hike in the fresh air to put things in perspective and to escape the pulls of television, email and internet!

M and I relish our role as trail guides, pointing out mushrooms, beetles and fresh tracks in the mud. I don't know who benefits from these weekly outings the most: the dog, who is half-unhinged from being cooped up inside, or the children who run wild and test their strength by shotputting forest detritus of all sizes. (Or more likely: me, me, ME!)

Whatever changes our lives will undergo in the coming months I know we'll be fine as long as we remember to take time to commune with nature and with each other. (Somebody make sure to e-mail me this post the next time I'm cultivating a breakdown, OK?)

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