Yesterday I had an appointment with the opthamologist-- it was supposed to be a routine checkup / screening for glaucoma but it turned out to be a pretty surreal experience.
I suspected something weird was going on when the doctor shuffled out to get me in the waiting room. He had kind of a dull look to his eyes and was snuffling and groaning like a geriatric pug that a friend of mine used to have.
He kept muttering to himself and laughing and he said "Now, don't be afraid" so often that it ended up having the opposite effect than he'd intended.
After asking a lot of non-eye related questions he got to work-- he measured the pressure in my eyes and then gave me drops in one eye to dilate it and raise the pressure, and then was confounded at the difference in pressure with the undilated, unpressurized eye!!!
He anesthetized my eyes (twice!) gave me drops to dilate my pupils, and then drops to shrink them again. (And now 24 hours later one pupil is still much smaller than the other!)
And he put some yellow dye in my eyes as well-- I didn't realize that he'd made such a mess of it and went to pick my kids up from school. I think I might have resembled a psychopath with my lopsided, yellow-tinged glare. One mother I was talking to actually retracted an previously planned playdate with her kid...
Do you think I should fill the (unneccessary) prescription he gave me?