03 December, 2006

He made it!

On Christmas eve when we were kids we left a glass of milk to quench Santa's thirst. Times have changed and our kids have been influenced by their time in Belgium. The drink of choice to keep Sinterklaas happy? A bottle of beer!

Believe it or not S was not drinking beer in this next clip. We were singing Sinterklaas songs and true to tradition he became completely wired on chocolate and antsy anticipation of all the presents he hoped to receive:

He was also extremely nervous: what if Sint and Piet lost their way on the way here from the Netherlands?

The good Saint must have had a good GPS, though, because he somehow managed to find us here in small town Germany. A few minutes later there was a knock at the door and when we opened it we found two huge sacks full of presents!



Anonymous said...

Fantastic! Those sacks were pretty full! Was it all gifts or stuffing? ;-)


Goofball said...

:) Wow indeed, seems like Sinterklaas brought a lot of stuff to make the ride to Germany worthwile.... hope he finds the ride to my house as worthwile tonight ;). But since there are no children in our house, I fear it'll only be some Sinterklaas candy maybe. After all, he has a tough job tonight riding on all the roofs and visiting all the children!

Sinterklaas kapoentje,
leg wat in mijn schoentje,
leg wat in mijn laarsje,
dank je Sinterklaasje!

Betsy said...

Happy Sinter Klaas to you too!

Hey, we say:

Gooi wat in mijn schoentje,
Gooi wat in mijn laarsje

Is that a cultural thing that the Dutch throw things and the Belgians lay them very carefully in the shoes?

Enjoy your evening!

christina said...

Excellent! We're waiting for Nikolaus to arrive on Wednesday.