21 December, 2005

What were they thinking?!

Am still feeling too shellshocked and worn out to think up anything interesting to post.

But I have to laugh remembering a post that Defective Yeti wrote last week about that horrific "My Humps" song by the Black Eyed Peas.

That song is just about the most tasteless piece of trash I've ever heard! And it's everywhere! One of the comments on that posting that cracked me up:

"To me it doesnt become truly appalling in quality until the part about "all dem breassss inside dat shirt"

It doesn't even rhyme. If it was "all dem breasss up on dat chesssst" then I could give it a pass."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What is TRULY amazing to me is that they played that song right after the children's 'big dictation' broadcast on Ketnet earlier this week! They spoke to the winner on the phone, then they said, and now we're going to play you this song!!! What insane person makes these decisions? I couldn't believe my eyes (ears, actually) and as it was the first I'd heard of it, I watched all the way through. - CH