Looked at some houses, and just explored the area. Loved Tubingen, which is a quaint little college town up in the mountains. If we do decide to move we would like to look for houses in that area. (It was cloudy and my pictures were dreary so I borrowed this one from imogen)
It was a real comfort to realize that because of my Dutch I can actually understand a lot of German. Get the feeling that it wouldn't take much to at least build up a foundation, and realize that the kids will probably adjust quickly to the German schools.
I feel really sick, though, when I think of leaving the friends I've made here. I am very open and have a lot of acquaintances, but it's very rare that I find people who really "get" me. And I've actually found a couple of them here. And we'll be able to e-mail, but it's just not the same. Have to get used to the fact that it might take a while to find that again, and that can be a depressing thought.
Otherwise I think the move would be very positive for all of us. I look forward to the chance to explore another culture in-depth and to try my hand at a new language... Maybe I could even learn to like spatzle! ;-)
If you move can I come and visit Stuttgart... I mean... visit you? - CH
CH, if I move to Stuttgart I'm afraid I'm going to have to kidnap you and take you with me. Ransom will be too high for anyone to afford, so tell Erwin that I'm sorry in advance...
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