05 December, 2005

Mind control and electronic harassment

So I was playing the traffic game this morning on the way to work; aggravating other drivers who try to speed past everyone waiting in line and cut in at the front. This is the reason I do not usually drive to work-- I get so annoyed at their arrogance and refuse to let them cut in front of me, which usually leads to red, screaming faces in their car and a point to the end of the line from mine.

Anyway, was flipping through the radio stations and came across one that's usually just static. And there was an interview going on in english, which is very unusual. And the sound was weird-- very digitalized, and obviously the signal was being disrupted by the FBI or jammers from outer space.

So of course I stopped to listen. And the guy being interviewed had apparently written a book about government sponsored mind control. He was postulating that LSD was introduced by the government in the 1960's as a sort of mass experiment in mind control. (??? Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't people take LSD in order to lose control of their typical thought patterns?)

And then he started expounding on electronic mind harassment. He cited two different occasions when he felt as if there were some magnetic forces beamed at him. Oh, and one time in a mexican restaurant when his face suddenly got very red and flushed. (I'm sure that had nothing to do with the salsa or margaritas!)

Sadly I missed the end of the interview. But now I'm worried that maybe he was talking directly to me--- Could this be a warning? I've noticed a couple of dot gov IP addresses in my blog traffic lately-- maybe I'm under surveillance?!


Anonymous said...

Yes, this is a valid concern. I have been using AFDBs for years. They are a An Effective, Low-Cost Solution To Combating Mind-Control.

Please see:


Please remember, they monitor this blog site too.

Betsy said...

I was actually thinking of you when I wrote this post! Figured you would be a good person to dispense advice on evading the CIA, KGB, etc...