26 October, 2007

Scattered thoughts

After a couple more hiccups I did eventually get to Frankfurt to see my friend. We stayed up late into the night talking about life, the universe and everything...

There are so few people in this world with whom we are truly ourselves, warts and all.

It was definitely worth all the hassle the last couple of days to be able to spend a few hours with someone who has known me, truly known me, for 20+ years. Friendships like these are rare and precious...


M took the dog to Holland last weekend where she will enjoy a brief sojourn with Oma and Opa. Today we got a call from Oma, however-- her brother is ill so they will be driving down to France for a while. With D in tow. Who knew she was destined to become such a seasoned international traveler?

B told me today that I shouldn't worry. If robbers were to break into our house I should just let him know and he'll call an old acquaintance from kindergarten. because he's actually a secret agent...

OK, enough procrastinating. I need to go finish packing!


Jen said...

Have a wonderful trip! And I'm glad you're all safe due to B's super agent friend. Kindergarten super agents always stay hot on the trail!

Jim said...

Hey, Your Royal Blogness, what a fun writing style.

anno said...

The older I get, the more I value those friends who've known me for many years... and still stick around. I'm glad you got to visit with yours. Wishing you a peaceful journey and a wonderful visit!