13 August, 2006

I love me some internet!

Was having a crummy day friday-- was really feeling the strain of being in transition; missing the comforts of established friendships and a language I can actually express myself in without people thinking I'm three cards short of a full deck.

And then I turned on my laptop. Funny how much a part of our lives the internet has become! It's snuck in quietly and has made itself comfortable-- technology is evolving so fast that sometimes I lose sight of the impact it's had on our lives.

So I was feeling discouraged and isolated when I logged on, but ended up having a fabulous afternoon / evening. Skyped with Chui Hsia, who is now on her way to China with Er to get their new adopted daughter Sanna. Exchanged e-mails with Carol, a new blogging friend. And am in the middle of a virtual reunion with Langdon, Lisa and Julius, friends from college who are peppering my inbox with pictures, emails and funny anecdotes.

These interactions would probably not have been possible 2 1/2 years ago during our last move. I'm so grateful for the internet; for its ubiquitous nature and the rich social tapestry it offers-- especially at a time in my life when I'm feeling isolated on a lot of different levels...


Unknown said...

Hey there B! It was hilarious talking to you on Skype the other day (what day was it again, what planet am I on?). The doorbell rang, Er was on the phone and suddenly we had two guests in our living room with you on Skype and Er somewhere else and me talking to three people, one on my dining table and the other two in front of me. I'm supposed to be getting ready for dinner with The Group. Wish me luck!

Carol said...

Wow! I feel famous! Thanks for the nod! I know exactly how you feel about the people we meet via this rectangular machine... gotta love it!

I just downloaded IE 7 beta (non-geeky geek that I am) and now have you "fed" (that is, your blog is on my automatic RSS feed -- a cool new feature of IE 7). Oh crap -- I sound like an MS salesperson! Bad!


RLB said...

I feel so dirty! I've been blogged. Oh, God. Do I need Penicillin? Hee Hee - if this internet/blogosphere/reunion thingy is a virus, I'm glad I'm infected! Bets. you're simply fabulous!!!