03 July, 2006

Pulling up stakes

Movers are here. Three very nice men who somehow manage not to laugh at M's and my bizarre mix of Dutch and Deutsch. The result of our stumbling efforts at communication is similar to the horror you'd create if you crossed a chihuahua with a labrador-- how they continue to maintain a straight face is beyond me.

Maybe because it's hot as Hades. We're all resorting to desert guerrilla tactics to conserve energy and life forces.

Oma and Opa dropped by last night and took the kids and pets with them to NL for a week. After which I sort of imploded. I have officially had it. A year is a long time to work towards something about which you're only lukewarm, and having to give up S and B for a full week was the proverbial drop that made the bucket spill over.

Our lives are now parceled up into carefully-wrapped, well-labeled but otherwise anonymous packages. Desolate rectangular outlines now adorn walls where pictures used to hang. Goodbyes that stick like a fishbone in my throat and fester there unchecked.

It's time to euthanize this stage of our lives because it's already got one moldy foot in the grave. And I've got to get out of here because some moments I feel like I'm choking and there's no air to be had...


christina said...

Here's hoping that the move goes smoothly and that you'll be breathing easily again in no time.

Betsy said...

:-) thanks, Christina! Am vaccuuming up the last of the flotsam and jetsam and then we're outta here. Have just been in a funk but can already feel that lifting with the prospects of a fresh start.

Will check back in again with you soon!

Anonymous said...

Oh Betsy - that makes me feel sad for you. At least you're not moving back to Gainesville! (Not that I would mind...)

butterfly cocoon said...

Moving is so tough. I've been made to move from one end to the other and I completely understand how you feel.
I hope it all goes well.

swissmiss said...

I hope the move goes well and your new place is full of fresh air.