B.: I want mine long.
Me: OK B, but last time you weren't happy with what you got. Maybe you should bring a picture of the haircut you want so that the stylist knows what you like. Whose hair do you like?
B.: Gaddafi's.
**Follow-up: In the end he decided to get it cut shorter so that it doesn't get in his eyes at the pool this week. His hair turned out great, just for GOD'S SAKE, please don't tell him it looks "just like Justin Bieber"! ;-)
very stylish
does he want to sleep in a tent too?
Are you kidding?! He's Dutch! He'll sleep in a caravan, thank you! :-D
I didn't prod any further for fear he'd ask for a busty Ukranian "nurse". ;-)
And he said this with a totally straight face! No idea where he comes up with this stuff! ???
Lisa in Indy
They look great. I think if you tell them they are sporting that 70s feathered look, they won't think of Bieber fever at all!
Lisa in Indy.
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