04 March, 2011

OMG, are you OK?

B got home before me this afternoon. When I arrived he opened the door. He was deathly pale with dark rings under his eyes and a little bit of dried blood at the corner of his mouth.

It took me several horrified seconds before I realized that his class had a Fasching (Carnival) party at school today and he'd dressed himself up as a vampire...


G in Berlin said...

That freaked me out so much that I clicked through the reader — nice cheery background!

Betsy said...

It is cheery, isn't it? It's also busy, though, so I'm kind of ambivalent about it.

Happy Weekend!

Goofball said...

so you mean that the red cape looked normal to you?

Betsy said...

No, smartalec! ;-P

He'd taken off the costume and was walking around in normal clothes. Almost all the make-up he'd had on had worn off too (was probably rubbed off on the sofa, the pillows, etc.) so it was very subtle... I'm telling you: FREAKY! ;-)