18 April, 2006


There's a mysterious beeping in my house. It's been going on for a couple of weeks now. Every now and then at random moments I'll hear an electronic beep. Sometimes it repeats itself, sometimes it doesn't. And sometimes it goes crazy and beeps frantically- until the moment when I come running in the door and then it stops. Some days I feel like I'm on Candid Camera!

I've narrowed it down to the kids toy cabinet chaos, which I've torn asunder on more than one occasion, but I cannot for the life of me figure out what's making that noise.

And it's kind of like Chinese water torture-- each drop in itself may seem harmless, but THE COMBINED EFFECT IS ENOUGH TO DRIVE A PERSON TO DISTRACTION!


christina said...

Do you have one of those little Tamagochi electronic games hidden in there somewhere? We had one and it used to peep all the time.

Unknown said...

Had that some time ago at my mother-in-law's place. Fortunately, she knew what it was so it didn't have to drive us crazy. It was her living room radiator and the cure was to change the temperature on the thermostat or open/close the valve. I don't remember which! Apparently it's a really common thing with radiators here. Welcome back, by the way!