08 July, 2012

Photo update

S and B enjoying the weather at Lake Constance
Thinking deep thoughts with a friend.
Sightseeing with some of my favorite people at Lake Constance

B and his keyboard guru

end of the year recital

My roses are out of control!

am so happy it's summer!


Goofball said...

so how many camping trips will you make this summer? just trying to anticipate the number of jealousmaking sunny pictures you'll post while it rains here ;)

is that your roses at home? wow nice

Betsy said...

Look who's talking, Miss I-just-got-back-from-my-fifth-vacation-this-year! I may not have been on the Internet much lately but I have seen your gorgeous pictures and have been green with envy! :-)

Goofball said...

I had 1 week vacation in June and next one in November? And we skied with New Year so technically it was still 2011 when we left :p

But I'm pretty good in dragging the pictures of one week on and on for months on my blog ...hahah