02 April, 2011


Was out walking D with the kids when I noticed a new patch of gray hair sprouting on her neck. When I mentioned it S hesitated and said: "Umm, Mom, I've um sort of noticed that, well, umm, you've got some new gray hair too." And B chimed in with: "YEAH! I've been wondering what that weird stripe was on the top of your head!"

*Sigh* It's high time to make a new appt at the salon but I'm afraid I'll have to wait until after the move to do it. In the meantime I'm afraid I look like Pepe Lepew...


Frau Dietz said...

Hello :)

At least you can dye your roots: I got told by a six year old last week that I have a big bottom ;)

Betsy said...

This cracked me up! :-D Thanks for the laugh! I really needed it this morning!

Goofball said...

@Frau Dietz: ROFL