Am feeling very ambivilent about the possibility of a move. Some moments I'm OK with it and would welcome a change of scene, and some moments I feel my throat closing up. I think my biggest worry is the boys' schooling. S. will be starting 1st grade tomorrow, which is pretty intense in Flanders. The flemish school system has an outstanding reputation and the kids hit the ground running as soon as they enter elementary school. This year he'll start reading, writing, doing basic math and probably writing sonatinas...
He's very well adjusted so I think he'd weather the transition fine, but the language question bothers me. Best case scenario if we do move would be to include the tuition for an international school in M's package. (but that's a long shot...) S's english is fine, and I've heard the school there is pretty good, but tuition is prohibitively expensive-- there's no way we could afford it out of our own pockets.
So it could be that our only option is to put him into a german school. Which would be the worst case scenario because he speaks absolutely zero german. It's so excruciating for a kid to switch schools even without a language barrier-- when I think of throwing S. into the deep end without even rudimentary german I feel physically ill! B. would do fine-- it would be an adjustment but he's still in nursery school and can take it slowly.
Both kids seem to have a propensity for languages-- I don't think it would take them very long to pick up german, and of course I know that they will be fine in the big picture and probably come out stronger for it, but I'm still incredibly stressed about the transition period.
But then again this move isn't 100% certain yet. I seem to be putting the cart before the horse. My next set of paranoid ramblings might be about M. combing Brussels looking for suitable jobs...