B is about to lose his first tooth and has been thinking a lot about the tooth fairy lately.
Hey Mama, remember when S tried to trick the tooth fairy?
Yeah. But it didn't work because she knew that wasn't his tooth. Fairies know everything.
Oh really?! Cool! I hope I see her when she comes, because I've got a question for her.
You do? What's that?!
I'm going to ask her if aliens really exist...
invasive alien species?
let us know what she says, hm k?
Me, too, I wanna know, too!
Hey, can I e-mail you a list of some other questions I've got on my mind?
Sure! What questions? My favorite color is orange. My shoe size is 8 1/2. There are currently 7 dirty dishes on my countertop.
Or were those not the kind of questions / answers you had in mind???
Welcome to the world of the 'tooth Fairy'. Wrote a post myself recently on this subject. Hop over and take a look if you want a laugh.
Orange is my favorite color, too! Except I can't wear it because it makes me look jaundiced. I think my affection for this color is a holdover from my previous life as an Italian.
Only 7 dirty dishes? My counter currently holds more than I can count. Or wash.
And what about crop circles? Who makes them?
Will the dollar ever recover? And when?
Will my daughter finish her homework without a fuss?
What should I be doing with my life?
Hey, enquiring minds need to know!
I love orange, too. And please let me know what the tooth fairy tells B about the aliens. I've always wondered about whether or not they exist.
I think aliens exist, but they don't loose their teeth ever, so the tooth fairy wouldn't be too familiar with them.
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