15 January, 2009

2009 is off to a fabulous start!

Ugh. Jennifer mentioned purging in a comment on my last post-- was this a premonition? Since then we've been experiencing all the joys that a good flu has to offer.

The kids got hit hardest: high fever and all kinds of gastric drama. S finally turned the corner yesterday but B isn't out of the woods yet. The poor kid didn't have any fat reserves to begin with, so after three foodless days he now looks like a concentration camp victim. or maybe a supermodel. Take your pick.

Luckily M and I didn't get hit as hard, but we haven't been feeling all that great either. And the biggest insult of all? I stepped on the scale this morning thinking that I'd surely lost a holiday kilo or two-- Zip. Nada. Nichts! There's got to be a punchline in here somewhere...


Goofball said...

gosh everyone seems to be hit by the flue in Belgium and in Germany too. Colleages and friends are all home. I am so happy I am "in quarantaine" at home now ;)

Goofball said...

get better soon !!! (I hit publish too quickly here)

anno said...

I'm so sorry. It's miserable, not to mention maybe even unfair, to have to take care of others when you're not feeling well yourself. Hope you are all feeling much better very soon!

Anonymous said...

Oh no! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it *that* way! (It is some consolation to know that hubby and I started our puke fest on...Christmas Day??)

And thanks for the link :-)

Anonymous said...

You're back! You poor thing, we were sick too but it was during NaBloPoMo so I felt compelled to keep blogging about how sick I was. Gute Besserung...