The Blog Ness Monster: Coming up for air from the murky depths of parenthood...
06 October, 2010
Finally catching up on posting!
We rounded out the summer vacation with a trip to Paris to visit M's cousin and his family. The weather was beautiful and M's cousin lent us his deux chevaux! What a treat! We made a quick trip around the area and then came back and ate stinky cheese and drank Bourdeau out in the garden! It doesn't get much more French than that, does it?!
We also spent an afternoon in Disneyland Paris. The crowds were inSANE! I'm glad that the kids got to see it but don't feel the need to go back any time soon!
Here are a couple of pictures from that weekend plus one of B's ingenious solution to the woes of chopping onions.
S was away last week on a class trip to a youth hostel in the country. We certainly missed him, but B also really enjoyed the perks that come with being an only child! Here is documented proof of one of his over-the-top dessert creations: bunny s'morez! As a vegetarian this is about as close to bunny meat as B is planning to get, but I thought the exploding marshmellow effect was a particularly cruel / funny twist!
S is now back home, safe and sound. He had a great time-- he brought several cool music playlists along and relished his role as the class dj. How is it that he's getting to be so big?!!!
what? No more vacation stories? is that all? I think M should apply for some more vacation days
has he seen those youtube movies on how to kill/melt a chocolate bunny at best....there's a test with an iron, with a microwave etc...
The picture with the chocolate bunny in the microwave seems like a retest of that
actually I don't think he has-- I'll have to show it to him! :-)
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